Wednesday 19 August 2015

Term Three Updates

What a fun term we are having! We have lots happening this term so please mark these important dates in your diary.

  • A BIG thanks to everyone who has donated items for our shoe box appeal. We are very grateful for how much we have received already. If you are still wanting to bring things in please do so by Monday 24th August.

  • On Wednesday 2nd September (Week 7) will be our Kindy photos. Please return envelopes to Mrs Aldersea or myself. On the day, please ensure children are wearing their school uniform. We cannot wait to see your children's big smiles and hair dos. 

  • On Friday 4th September (Week 7) it is our Father's Day morning from 9.00 - 10.00. Dads, you are welcome to stay until 10.30 if you want to stay for a play. Thanks to everyone who has let us know who is attending. If you haven't done so already please let me know as soon as possible.

  • On Wednesday 9th September we are going on our Kindy excursion to CREEC. Please return permission slips and payment in an enclosed envelope to the office by Friday 28th August. You can post envelopes in the 'office' post box outside the office.

  • Today a very important note came home about our Kindy Sports Carnival. The date for the Kindy Group B sports carnival will be on Friday 18th September from 8.30 until approximately 10.30am. All children will be involved in a running race as well as some fun tabloid games.  This is the same day as the year 3-6 sports carnival. More information will be sent out closer to date. We hope you can make it!

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