Sunday 6 December 2015

Whole School Concert

Monday 14th December- Please drop your child at our classroom at 4:30. The concert will now start at 5pm. Bright/colourful t-shirts and denim shorts/skirts/pants or dresses.

Friday 4 December 2015

Surprise Video

On Friday when we got to school Bauble had tipped out all the Duplo and built a tower with it. When we went out to the oval to practise our whole school concert he wrapped up Mrs Dempster's chair! Then, after lunch he left us a special Christmas animation to the tune of 'Let it Go'. The kids absolutely loved it!

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Whole School Concert & Awards Evening

On Monday 14th December we are having our whole school concert and awards night on the oval. Each year group will be performing a different song. We would love for the Kindy kids to wear a plain, brightly coloured t-shirt and denim bottoms e.g. jeans, denim shorts, denim skirt etc. More information about times will come soon.

Progress Files

OnFriday  we will be sending home children's grey Progress Files for you to have a look at the wonderful progress they have made this year. Please feel free to write a comment at the front, sign it and return it to Kindy as soon as possible. We would love for all Progress Files to be returned by the following Friday (week 8 ).

Our Class Party

On the day of our mini Christmas concert (Friday 11th December) we will be having a class party. We would love for each child to bring in a plate of food to share for lunch. We have put a list of foods up on the communication board outside our classroom, so please write your name down next to what you would like to bring. If you are bringing in cooked food, please can you cook it before you bring it in and we will simply re-heat it. (Our ovens aren't the greatest, so this would be greatly appreciated!) If you would prefer to drop food off just before 12pm, that would be fabulous too- whatever is easiest for you.

Saturday 21 November 2015

Fun Day

Yesterday at Kindy we had a special fun day. Lately the kids have been a little tired and worn out so Mrs Aldersea and I decided it would be the perfect opportunity to have a relaxing day, enjoy ourselves and get ready for the next 5 weeks of term. We started our day by signing some songs and doing some dancing. Next we read a very funny book called Alien's Love Panta Claus. In the book the alien's gave all of the children underwear for Christmas. They even decorated their Christmas trees with undies. Then we went outside and played with the parachute. We sang a song and did some actions whilst the parachute was high in the sky, we ran underneath it, sat under it like a mushroom and also bounced balls on it.

Between recess and lunch we did fun activities like painting, colouring, play dough, construction, shaving cream play and even made Rudolph biscuits. After lunch we enjoyed a play at the Spiderman Playground and ate our yummy biscuits. Our sneaky elf- Bauble was hanging upside down on the paper chains after lunch with a sack. Inside his sack were some magical Tic Tacs that we had to plant in the dirt. We made predictions about what will happen and we will find out on Wednesday when we come back to Kindy. We all had a fantastic day! Here are a few photos of the fun we had.


Wednesday 18 November 2015

Elf on the Shelf

This morning after we played a game outside, we had a very special visit from the Elf on the Shelf. When we walked back inside the elf was sitting on top of the Smart Board. He had left a letter and put a story up on the Smart Board. We watched the story and read the letter he left us. The elf told the kids that he is magical, however if he is touched by children he loses his magic. He can only be moved by adults. He is magical and watches what the kids are doing all day long and then flies back to Santa each night to report back to him. The elf only moves when no one is looking, which the kids were all very excited about.

The elf also told us that we need to think of a name for him. We brainstormed some ideas and each wrote about what we wanted to call the elf in our special 'Elf Journals'. After lunch we voted on our favourite names and ended up choosing the name "Bauble". Please help your child share the magic of Elf on the Shelf and embrace all of their ideas about what he is up to. They truly loved it today and the smiles on their faces and the excitement they shared was beautiful. When you arrive at Kindy he may or may not be in a funny spot. Let the kids enjoy it, talk to them about what the elf has been doing but please remind them that they must not touch him, that way they all get to see him.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Important Events

I cannot believe we are already over half way through Term 4! We have lots of important dates coming up, so please note these down in your diary.

Our Christmas Concert

On Friday 11th December from 9.00am - 9.30am we will be having a mini Christmas concert, which we would love for parents to attend. We will be singing a couple of songs on the stage outside in our Nature Playground, handing out certificates to the children and giving you their portfolios with all their beautiful work.

On this day we will also be having our class party, where children will be able to wear Christmas clothes to school e.g: a Christmas t-shirt, red or green clothes, Santa hats etc. We will also be asking parents to bring in a plate of food to share for lunch. I will put a food list on the communication board soon.

Transition Day

Additionally, on Friday 11th December we will be having our whole school 'Transition Day' from 1.45 - 2.45. On this day children will find out which Pre-primary class they will be in next year. It is a wonderful opportunity for children to see their new classroom, meet their new teacher and find out which friends will be in their class.  It is a fabulous way to build some excitement about next year and relieve some nerves and anxiety on the first day.

Whole School Concert & Awards Night

On Monday 14th December we will be having our whole school concert and awards evening on the oval. Families are invited to come and watch as each year group will sing a different song. The Kindy children will sing first and are then able to sit with their parents and watch the rest of the concert or you may wish to take them home. More information about times will come soon.

Monday 16 November 2015

Christmas Post Boxes

We have been making some special Christmas envelopes at Kindy. We will be hanging these envelopes up in our classroom later this week so that children can post Christmas cards to one other. I will put some checklists on the communication board with all the children's names so they can write some cards at home if they want to. Then in the morning before school children can post their cards in the post boxes and we will check them at the end of each day.