Tuesday 17 November 2015

Important Events

I cannot believe we are already over half way through Term 4! We have lots of important dates coming up, so please note these down in your diary.

Our Christmas Concert

On Friday 11th December from 9.00am - 9.30am we will be having a mini Christmas concert, which we would love for parents to attend. We will be singing a couple of songs on the stage outside in our Nature Playground, handing out certificates to the children and giving you their portfolios with all their beautiful work.

On this day we will also be having our class party, where children will be able to wear Christmas clothes to school e.g: a Christmas t-shirt, red or green clothes, Santa hats etc. We will also be asking parents to bring in a plate of food to share for lunch. I will put a food list on the communication board soon.

Transition Day

Additionally, on Friday 11th December we will be having our whole school 'Transition Day' from 1.45 - 2.45. On this day children will find out which Pre-primary class they will be in next year. It is a wonderful opportunity for children to see their new classroom, meet their new teacher and find out which friends will be in their class.  It is a fabulous way to build some excitement about next year and relieve some nerves and anxiety on the first day.

Whole School Concert & Awards Night

On Monday 14th December we will be having our whole school concert and awards evening on the oval. Families are invited to come and watch as each year group will sing a different song. The Kindy children will sing first and are then able to sit with their parents and watch the rest of the concert or you may wish to take them home. More information about times will come soon.

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