Tuesday 24 November 2015

Whole School Concert & Awards Evening

On Monday 14th December we are having our whole school concert and awards night on the oval. Each year group will be performing a different song. We would love for the Kindy kids to wear a plain, brightly coloured t-shirt and denim bottoms e.g. jeans, denim shorts, denim skirt etc. More information about times will come soon.

Progress Files

OnFriday  we will be sending home children's grey Progress Files for you to have a look at the wonderful progress they have made this year. Please feel free to write a comment at the front, sign it and return it to Kindy as soon as possible. We would love for all Progress Files to be returned by the following Friday (week 8 ).

Our Class Party

On the day of our mini Christmas concert (Friday 11th December) we will be having a class party. We would love for each child to bring in a plate of food to share for lunch. We have put a list of foods up on the communication board outside our classroom, so please write your name down next to what you would like to bring. If you are bringing in cooked food, please can you cook it before you bring it in and we will simply re-heat it. (Our ovens aren't the greatest, so this would be greatly appreciated!) If you would prefer to drop food off just before 12pm, that would be fabulous too- whatever is easiest for you.

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