Saturday 10 October 2015

Term Four

I hope everyone has had a lovely two week break with your gorgeous kiddies. I'm looking forward to seeing them all on Wednesday and hearing about their holidays. I cannot believe we are about to enter into Term Four, it is amazing how quickly the year is passing by.

Our themes for this term will be 'Australia' and 'Christmas'. (If you do not want your child to participate in any Christmas activities please let me know). At the beginning of this term many of our learning activities will be based around the theme Australia and Australian animals. We currently have an Australian bush set up in our classroom where children can role play having a BBQ and a picnic as well camping in a tent. We will also be commencing the theme by reading one of my favourite stories: Possum Magic by Mem Fox.


This term we will continue to learn and practice alphabet sounds. We will be starting with the letter M. Please feel free to encourage the letter and sound we are learning each week at home. Some ideas of ways to do this are: asking them what sound the letter makes, playing I Spy, finding things around the house that start with that sound etc.


  • Please remember to return Kindy Home Reading books if you have not done so already. We will be sending new books home this Wednesday. A BIG thanks again to Emma for kindly offering to change the books each week.
  • A new parent help roster is on the communication board outside our classroom.
  • Friday 30th October (week three) is a school development day and there will be no school for students.

See you all on Wednesday!

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