Thursday 6 August 2015

Kindy Excursion

Tomorrow a special note will come home about a Kindy excursion that we would love for all children to attend.  On Wednesday 9th September all the Kindy students will be going on an excursion to Canning River Eco Centre (CREEC).

Every Tuesday this term children are learning all about insects, mini beasts and living and non-living things with Mrs Clark. On our excursion children will be involved in hands on learning experiences to consolidate and expand on their knowledge of these topics. Children will be able to classify mini beasts collected from the river, look at them under a microscope, make a model of an insect out of clay as well go on a nature walk using binoculars.

We will depart school by bus at 9.00am and arrive back at school by approximately 2.15pm. The total cost of the excursion will be $14.50. Please read the attached consent form carefully and return your money and permission slip by Friday 28th August. Please make sure all notes and money are placed in a clearly marked envelope in the 'office' post box at the front of the school.

On the day we will require four parent helpers. Please note that if you would like to help on the day you will be in charge of a small group of 5 children, which you will stay with for the day. It will also involve going on a walk with your group of children and talking about all the things they can find on their walk. Mrs Aldersea (Louanne) and I will be there too, however, Louanne will have a group and I will be floating amongst all the groups. If you are interested in helping on the day please let me know via email as soon as possible. If there are lots of volunteers I will do a raffle.

Children will need to wear their school uniform as well as comfortable shoes for walking. They will need to bring their hat and water bottle as well as a disposable lunch and recess packed in a plastic bag. I will upload another post closer to date with more information.

It should be a fabulous day, we hope everyone can come!

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