Monday 22 June 2015

Upcoming Events at Kindy

I cannot believe we are approaching the end of term already! Just a few reminders about what's happening in Kindy:

Open Night

On Wednesday 1st July our school is having an Open Night from 5.30pm - 7.00pm to explore our whole school inquiry question 'How do we use Maths in our World?' Please feel free to come along and look at what your children have been doing. You can walk through all the classrooms if you like and see the progression across the year levels. Teachers are not required to be in the classroom, as it is a time for us to look at other classes too. Please be aware that this is not a time to discuss your child's progress, if you have any questions regarding your child please book a time to talk with me.

As we will be busy putting up their work we ask that you do a 'Kiss and Drop' at Kindy starting from this Thursday. This means that you say goodbye to your children off at the door so you don't see any of their special work before the BIG night.

Progress Files

At Aubin Grove we have progress files, which we use to show your child's progress in key learning areas. The tasks in these files are completed at the beginning of the year and the end of the year, so you can see your child's development. The activities in these files are common assessment tasks, which are completed in every year level. Some of these work samples were completed in Term One and therefore your child will have progressed further since then.

These folders will be sent home for you to look at this Friday. If possible, please return back to school by next Friday before the holidays.

I hope you enjoy looking at your child's work. Please ensure each piece of work stays in the same sleeve and please make sure you sign the cover page and write a comment (if you want to) underneath. Folders will come home again in Term Four for you to see the progress your child has made at Kindy.

 Home Reading

Next term we will be commencing our Kindergarten Home Reading Program. We will be having a Parent Information Session on Tuesday 28th July at 7.00pm. More information will be sent home about this soon.

Father's Day

Next term we will be having a Father's Day morning on Friday 4th September from 9.00 - 10.00am, which we would love for Dads to attend. I will put a sign up sheet up on our communication board next term but I just wanted to let everyone know the date, so you can make any necessary arrangements. Dads are welcome to stay for a play outside and leave at 10.30am if they want to.

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