Monday 15 June 2015

Class Reminders

Mrs Aldersea

Yay! Yippeee! Hooray! Mrs Aldersea is back! All the kids have been so happy to see her and have filled her bucket up by giving her lots of big cuddles.

Pyjama Day

This Friday is Pyjama Day to celebrate Winter Solstice. Children can wear their pyjamas to school with sensible shoes, no slipper please. Children can also bring their favourite teddy to school too. We cannot wait to see them in their PJ's.

Peter Combe

Next term on Thursday 23rd July Peter Combe is coming to Aubin Grove for a concert. It is on a Thursday so it is not on a day your child is at school. If you are interested in still coming to the concert, you will need to fill out the permission slip and return it to the office with the payment. Parents will be responsible for supervising their children at the concert as I will be looking after The Clever Crab's class.

**Notes will be sent home this Wednesday.


On Friday 3rd July, the last day of term, the canteen will be closed. On this day students are invited to order Subway for lunch. Please make sure the order forms and correct payment are returned to the P&C box outside the office by 2.30pm on Tuesday 23rd June.

 The West Australian Schools Wish List

**Message from the P&C
Our school is registered to be part of The West Australian Schools Wish List. Our school has to collect as many vouchers from The West Australian papers on Sat 13th, 20th & 27th June, which will see the school in a chance to a share in $20 000 to go towards supplies for our kiddies at school! There is a $5000 for 1st random drawn and $5000 for most entries and more.
The P&C have put a collection box in each classroom so please start collecting the vouchers from this weekend. If you know any business that has papers delivered on a Saturday and wouldn't mind giving us the vouchers out of the paper too, that would be great also.

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