Friday 22 May 2015

Class Reminders

We have lots happening this term so here are some important reminders and dates to mark in your diary.

Mrs Aldersea

Mrs Aldersea has been away as her poor husband had a heart attack a couple weeks ago. He had surgery this week and everything went well. As he will be going home next week, Louanne will be needing to look after him, so she will be away for the next two weeks. I will get the children to make Mrs Aldersea some cards over the next fortnight to let her know we miss her. Although we are missing her terribly we are very lucky to have Mrs Kate Bartle working in the class with us. Thanks for being so understanding.

Better Beginnings Visit

  • This Wednesday we have a lady called Jessica who is the Young Peoples Services Librarian from Cockburn Library is coming to talk to all the Kindy kids and will also present them with  book. So when your child brings home a picture book in a bag on Wednesday it is for them to keep.

This Friday 29th May

  • This Friday Mrs Clark will be in the classroom teaching, as I have been given a day to write reports. I will be at school but not in the classroom.

Community Walk Excursion

  • Excursion notes were due on Friday so if you haven't done so already, please return to school this Wednesday.
  • As stated on the note please bring the $1.50 to school on the day of the excursion as we want children to be responsible for their own money. 

P&C Events

  • We have been asked by Admin to remind everyone that all events run by the P&C are not organised by the teachers. Please remember that when you are returning any P&C Notes they are in a clearly marked envelope and placed in the P&C Box outside the office. Thank you :)

What's Happening in Kindy?

If you are looking for extra things to be doing at home with your children here are some ideas of things that would help.
  • Practice writing their name, we still have lots of children who need lots of help to do this. 
  • Any rhyming activities! For example, read rhyming stories and discuss rhyming words, tell them a word, eg: 'log' and see if they can think of their own rhyming word, play any rhyming games like Bingo etc.

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